Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's left?

With two months left until my wedding, it's the beginning of crunch time. Or so I'm told. It is the point in the wedding planning process when people start asking "So, what's left to do?" I keep feeling like there is a mountain of tasks to finish before my wedding, but whenever anyone asks, my mind goes blank. Sitting down with my time lines and to do lists, I realized, there isn't a whole lot left. So this post is for those of you who asked and got answers like: "There's plenty of stuff to do... I think..."

The good thing about having two years to plan my wedding is that all the contracts and vendors were taken care of months ago. What is left is organizing all those parties into one big event. I've got my day of time line almost set, but this is what I haven't done yet:

-Get wedding rings engraved
-Finalize ceremony readings and most other ceremony details
-Review play list, important names, and responsibilities with the band
-Decide on jewelry to wear with my wedding dress
-Order the flowers for the center pieces and pot them
-Finish the gift registry
-Get the marriage licence
-Make the seating chart
-Get a hair cut
-Do final dress fittings
-Check in with vendors on arrival times
-Delegate day of responsibilities to the bridal party

Doesn't sound so bad right? My mom and future mother-in-law have offered to help out with some details too, like the seating cards, table numbers, rehearsal dinner, and getting the alcohol.

So maybe now, when someone asks "What's left?" I'll remember some of the things on this list!

No post would be complete without a photo, so here is my wedding ring! I found it on

Photo and ring by CJ McKay

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Invitations and Replies

I sent out about 80 invitations in mid June. I honestly wasn't sure how many to expect back right away. I also did not expect receiving RSVPs to be so much fun! People have put notes, pictures, and jokes on them. For the first couple weeks, every day Mike and I would have a pile waiting for us after work. We would excitedly open up the cards to see who had written back. Though the stream of cards has slowed down, we still get a few every now and then. We are waiting on 31 more RSVPs, not so bad.

If you remember, my invitations were handmade by my bridesmaids and I. Everyone came into town for a weekend in March and we sat down for some serious cutting, pasting, addressing, and assembling. For a reminder on that awesome weekend check out my previous post.

Now that all my guests have received them, here are my invitations!
My reply cards:
And a few of my favorite replies: